Before: Front teeth shortened due to excessive grinding.

After: Smile shows improved length of teeth and more uniform smile made possible with four porcelain veneers.

Before: Malformed enamel.

After: Eight porcelain laminate veneers.

Before: Mild tetracycline staining. Some teeth chipped, others shortened from grinding.

After: Teeth reshaped and whitened with six upper porcelain veneers.

Before: Undersized lateral incisor and uneven gum line.

After: Applied four porcelain veneers and evened the gum line.

Before: Teeth rotated and stained with large gaps.

After: Created a fuller smile with 10 no-prep Lumineers (no shots required) and teeth whitening.

Before: Several open spaced closed with bonding

After: Invisalign Treatment and maxillary Veneers

Before: Crowding of the lower teeth

After: Invisalign Treatment

Before: Spacing and decalcification of the enamel

After: Maxillary Veneers

Before: Severe Crowding

After: Invisalign Treatment