Changes in Insurance Information or Coverage
Please inform the front desk receptionist on arrival of any changes in health history, address, phone numbers, dental insurance, allergies, and medications.
Payment Policies
Payment is due at time of service on each office visit. We accept cash, checks, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and CareCredit (see below). Financial arrangements are available for comprehensive dental procedures. If you have dental insurance we will estimate your copayment.

Dental Insurance
Please bring in all your dental information on your first visit. We accept most traditional dental insurances. However, all charges remain the responsibility of the patient. As a service to all our patients, we will submit your insurance forms for you. Our forms are sent electronically to your dental carrier. Submitting electronically not only enhances the transmitting of dental claims to the carrier, but also speeds up the process. Our highly trained front desk staff will help you understand the strength and limitations of your dental insurance and will advise you accordingly.
CareCredit is a medical "line of credit" that many of our patients take advantage of.

CareCredit makes it possible for you to receive the best dental treatment recommended. It has flexible payment options for all your dental needs. It offers up to 6 months deferred interest for all dental services. Ask one of our well trained front desk staff members and they will be happy to assist you with this excellent payment option.
If you absolutely have to cancel, please notify us at least 48 hours before your appointment. Please understand that our appointment schedule fills up quickly, especially the prime time evening and Saturday time slots. If you have to cancel, we will certainly take special circumstances into consideration. We appreciate your cooperation.
Cell Phones
Please turn off your cell phone when entering our office or set it to "silent" mode. Turn off your cell phone during your appointment. We have actually had instances of patients bringing their cell phones into the operatory rooms and trying to have conversations while we are trying to work on their teeth, so we appreciate your cooperation in this matter.